The Top Benefits of Video Production

Picture this: you’re scrolling through your favorite social media platform, casually sipping your morning coffee, when suddenly, a video catches your eye. It’s colorful, it’s catchy, and before you know it, you’re hooked. That is the magic of video marketing in action. Sure, you may be asking yourself “Is video production just for those big corporations”? Well, we’re here to…

The Pros & Cons of AI In Digital Marketing

You know it, you’ve probably seen it, and you may or may not love it. AI is slowly taking over the creative fields, from photography and videography to most of the things you read online (not this though, we promise we’re real). To simplify things, artificial Intelligence (or AI) can help provide knowledge or visuals for a concept without having to be…

Digital Marketing Myths Debunked

Digital marketing is an ever-changing, ever-growing field. It can be hard to keep up with the latest trends and information. Here are a few digital marketing myths that we’ve debunked to get you started. MYTH: YOU’LL SEE RESULTS IMMEDIATELY Good things take time. You must do the research before you invest in any digital marketing company. The biggest mistake that…

The Importance of Knowing Your Target Audience

In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, where algorithms evolve and trends shift in the blink of an eye, the constant lies in the importance of knowing your target audience. In this digital age, where every like, click, and share matters, understanding the intricacies of your audience can be the key to unlocking unparalleled success in your marketing endeavors. Remember…

3 Benefits of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads, wondering how to make a significant impact without breaking the bank. You may even find yourself turning to Google for potential answers (don’t worry, we’ve all done it). As you search, you’ve most likely noticed that little “Sponsored” above the first few results. While some may…

Social Media Guide for Businesses

Right now, it seems that everyone and their grandmothers can be found on social media. However, that’s not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to your business. There are multiple ways to promote your business online, with social media by far being the most popular. Platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and even X can help you reach new customers,…

New Opportunities for Video Advertising

Trying to figure out new and innovative ways to get your messaging out? Uber and Lyft are both testing out in-car video advertising in some of their rides. If the initiative is successful, “Journey Ads” (as Uber has dubbed it), could be coming soon to a ride near you.   Create New Video Advertising Campaigns With the ever-expanding opportunities to…

How to create an engaging virtual conference

Have you decided to move your conference to a virtual platform? Hosting a virtual conference or events online is not as easy as just sending out a Zoom link and hoping people will be engaged. In the digital environment, there are more distractions – emails, texts, children, pets – so you need to engage your audience and keep their attention.…

Social Media and Video

Who would have guessed that seven-in-ten Americans today use social media not only to connect with one another, but engage with news content, share information and of course, for entertainment. 2020 is seeing more than 3.8 BILLION social media users in the world. Considering there are around 7 billion people in the world, that’s over half the global population on…

What is an End User Video?

At Shout Creative, we work quite a bit on End User Videos, which are sometimes referred to as Tutorials or Explainer Videos. End User is a term mostly heard in the tech world. It is a person who is ultimately intended to use a product or technology. When a company purchases software, sometimes it’s their employees who are the end…