Does using video increase sales?

With all the statistics out there, one thing is becoming clear – video is no longer a luxury for a business, it’s a necessity.

You want to cut through the noise and get people to hear your message loud and clear. Digital marketing expert James McQuivey estimates that a single minute of video content is the equivalent of 1.8 million words. This makes video a surefire way to capture your audience’s attention and engage them about your brand.

When it comes to making a purchase, people like to do their research.  Whether they look on your website, You Tube or social media, consumers want to be assured that they’re making the right decision. 74 percent of users who watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service subsequently bought it and 77 percent of consumers say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video. There’s no denying that video leads to sales.  Ecommerce sellers have even found that using product videos can increase product purchases on an online store by 144 percent!

Even if you don’t have an online store, if you are looking for your customers to take action, including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80 percent. And if that isn’t enough, let this statistic hit you: businesses using video grow company revenue 49 percent faster year-over-year than organizations without video.

Even with all these stats, when it comes to making a video, quality counts more than quantity. Enjoyment of ads increases purchase intent by 97%. You want to capture your audience from the first few seconds and that’s why it’s important to hire the right professionals, like Shout Creative.