Increasing views on YouTube

Views are everything in marketing and on YouTube. We were excited to see our client, PET Imaging Institute of South Florida, get over 10,000 views on YouTube. Of course, a professionally produced video attracts more views simply because today’s audience can tell the difference between homemade, low end video and high end professionally produced video. Audiences will give more credibility to the highest end video in a search. Additionally, a professional video can hold the audience’s attention longer and keeps your audience engaged which can lead to even more views. We can explain.

Here are 2 cool tools created specifically to help your view count:

-Annotations are the pop up texts you see on a YouTube video like “Subscribe” or “Like this”. They are cues that prompt the viewer to help you out and provide feedback. While annotations lead to more engagement and loyalty, they also link your videos together. This can be a gamechanger. The viewer is automatically shown your next video creating even more views. An annotation can also link to a playlist, which is another great way to drive more views.

-A Playlist is a list of videos that will play in order without interruption. A playlist also counts as a separate entity when searching, so it increases your chances of being seen. A viewer can choose to watch the video that comes up in their search or the playlist it is contained in. And since the videos in your playlist play one after the other, your viewer ends up watching more of them! Hence, more views channel wide.

Views lead to awareness, marketing and potential clients. It’s a business WIN!